Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:23

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Grace Abounds

If Grace would shine its blessed light on me
And all the treasures from my soul expose
Then trial and tribulation would not be
A source of sorrow but of sweet repose.
And joy eternal to my calming heart
Whose yieldings to the mercies from above
Would drive out apprehension and impart
The victory in life decreed by Love

But Grace and Love and Mercy do abound
To reach the furthest corners of my soul.
I have the promise of the solid ground
To which I stand, endure and am made whole.

Let hope prevail, and darkness turn to light.
To run the race and do away with night.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Isaiah 7:11

New International Version (NIV)
 “Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”

God has placed it in my heart to fast.  Now, I have fasted in the past but without very much success. It is different this time. This time I know that it is time. My heart is ready for it. I have chosen to follow the Daniel Fast (more on that later).I hope to be able to share some of the things God reveals to me with you. Which leads me to this posting. I have chosen to make Isaiah the book of my fast and have already started reading it.    I have yet to begin my fast but God has chosen to speak already.  Upon reading Isaiah 7:11, I felt that God was speaking that verse directly to me. Ask me for a sign, for something only I can accomplish. Now, there are some people who know exactly what to ask for. I am not such a person. I simply am not in tune with my heart enough to know what to ask for. At first. Thinking on what this journey would look like, I knew it would be a time of mourning and sacrife. But does it have to be? Then it hit me. Joy. Let joy be my sign. Why not? It is the complete opposite of what I am expecting, after all.  We shall see. Now the next
question is,  "A sign for what?"  That I do not know. Yet.

Monday, 15 August 2011

The Treasure Chest

At first you used it properly.
It was the storehouse for dreams and vision.
Innocence lay undisturbed, unaware of the shadows creeping at the edges.

But then life happened.
Mercilessly modifying it from treasury to vault,
A locked box.

The dreams were smothered beneath a cobweb of dejection,
Desperate for release,
For light.

And stacked beneath the cares and worries of the world
They lay forgotten,
 A memory of a lifetime ago.

The chest grew rusty and aged from lack of use,
Its once radiant exterior growing dull.
 Its true intent fading into the furthest corners of the mind.

Yet desire echoed out her voice,
Begging to be heard,
To be remembered.

And the locks wrapped round the box were loosed,
Unveiling the intention, the purpose.
Original design too powerful to destroy